Feather and Song Fabric Collection
Feather and Song Fabric Collection
Gifted by: American Quilter's Society
Reviewed by: Dana Byerwalter, Editor, FaveQuilts.com
The Feather and Song Fabric Collection from American Quilter's Society is the perfect collection for spring and summer! Featuring pastel hues, feather prints, and floral imagery, these beautiful fabrics will work up into a charming quilt, accessory, or garment.
American Quilter's Society is known for their premier quality, 100% cotton fabric and this collection is no exception! As you page through the fabrics in this collection, you will be able to feel the quality at your fingertips. Speaking of looking through the collection, bundles of the Feather and Song fabric are available in a charm pack, 10x10 pack, fat quarter bundle, and jelly roll. They are also of course sold individually by the yard.
The feather prints in this line are so unique and lovely. From a distance, this fabric appears as textured hues in green, pink, blue, and yellow. When you look more closely, you can see the swirling feather designs! I've never seen fabric with a feather print quite like this one, and I think the effect is so enchanting. Because the prints all come in these solid colorways, the feathers can serve as more neutral detailing in the grand scheme of your quilt.
The floral prints in this collection are also so beautiful. I am a sucker for anything floral print, and this collection doesn't disappoint! The Summer Blooms Cotton Fabric is one of my favorites in this collection. The blue background almost gives off the effect of flowers floating on the ocean! Additional fabrics in this collection include speckle prints, floral medallions, and a beautiful Bird Patchwork Cotton Fabric that is unique, lovely, and should not be passed up!
For a bright and springy new addition to your quilting stash, be sure to invest in a little Feather & Song.
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51410 4728104
Jun 30, 2016
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