Leilani Arts
Leilani Arts is an importer of high-quality and exotic yarn, fibers, beads, and other crafting supplies from Asia and all over the world. They work directly with women's collectives who hand-make their rich yarns in an interesting and humanitarian way: silk sari factories in India donate unwanted silk trimmings and fabric scraps direct from the factory floors to local women’s cooperatives. The women sew the residual silk remnants together end-to-end to compose a continuous skein of silky ribbon. For their recycled silk sari yarns, the same women's co-ops shred the sari scraps and handspin it into a colorful, textured yarn, transforming factory fragments and waste into something useful and beautiful.
Leilani Arts provides crafters with truly green products that are also socially and environmentally friendly, as they allow underprivileged women's groups to have a sense of purpose, achievement, empowerment, self-determination, and financial independence in communities that most need it. These products also recycle silk waste into a unique yarn that can be transformed into one-of-a-kind garments, quilts, and other projects all over the world. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved, but especially for the women who hand-produce these wonderful products!
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