
Big Stitch Hand Quilted Mug Rug Pattern

By: Amy Ball for
Big Stitch Hand Quilted Mug Rug Pattern

The Big Stitch Hand Quilted Mug Rug Pattern is a charming and tactile way to add a touch of handmade warmth to your coffee or tea time. This free quilting pattern combines the artistry of traditional hand quilting with a contemporary twist, featuring larger stitches that showcase the beauty of the quilting process. The oversized stitches create a visually appealing texture that quilters will adore. Whether you're a seasoned quilter or a beginner looking for a quick hand quilting project, this pattern offers a delightful and functional creation that brings a cozy, homespun feel to your daily rituals.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Primary TechniqueQuilting


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